Hakimi ilaj حکیمی علاج ۔ ماھر حکیم صاحب پاکستان
Imrania Clinic is the name of trust and quality. WE are ready for your best health and Treatment by the way off Homoeo & Herbal Medicineswith 30 days money back guaranty** We trying to permanently recover disable persons
by arthritis sciatica and heavy fats . Our treatment is the best in world.
Imrania Clinic,s medicines are prepared with pure herbal ingredients which are collected from natural treasures of the world. We believe that nature cures perfectly and on the basis of this belief, we have successfully cured numerous diseases which were considered
fatal before this. This is the great blessing of Allah Almighty that we
have cured patients of every age and gender. we are expert in
diagnosing human diseases and prescribing its remedy accordingly. We
prepare our own medicines. The key reasons of our effective medicines
are the years’ long research about anatomy of human body and the
diagnoses of causes that get the human body victim of diseases. These
are the prayers of relieved patients and devotion & spirit of our
staff to serve suffering humanity that we not only enjoy the successful
business but also peace of mind & soul .
Company Profile:
Imrania Clinic was formed in late 2003 after its founders, Doctor Arshad Malik, discovered
that their Herbal Treatment were becoming ever increasingly popular and effective.Starting from their home
office in Multan.first supplied their Herbal Treatment to local Area public and organizations. Demand soon
outstripped Herbal Treatment . Now, Imrania Clinic sell Herbal products treatment to general public and
all over the world.Doctor Arshad Malik uses the Internet for 40% of their incoming orders
with 30 days money back guaranty** making Imrania Clinic a truly online Treatment company.
Contect Information
How to get in touch with us. Anywhere in the world Treatment/sales and customer support. Free information/tips/suggestions for your Health problems from 11:00AM to 11:00PM on cell No. +923006397500 at Pakistan standard time only.
Our Hot Products:
Product For Men:
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Products for Ladies
Product A:
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